Administrative Departments

Central administration is the responsibility of the chancellor and is delegated to seven administrative departments.

University Development and Strategy

Administrative Department 1 compiles data and statistics and is in charge of academia, research, university development and transfer; moreover, it supports the central self-governance bodies.

Administrative Department 1

Student Services and International Office

Administrative Department 2 handles and issues and concerns of prospective and current students. With its service range, it assists students all the way until successful graduation and career start.


Human Resources and Legal Affairs

Administrative Department 3 is in charge of RUB’s Human Resources and Legal affairs matters.

Administrative Department 3

Finance Department

The field of financial management includes all tasks pertaining to procuration, service contracts, invoice processing, external funding and tax.

Administrative Department 4

Construction and Facility Management

Planning, building, filling with life and maintaining together: From the idea of a building to planning, financing, construction, operation, maintenance and service, right through to dismantling or renovation, we take care of all matters relating to the land, buildings, areas and rooms of Ruhr University Bochum – on campus and at other locations in Bochum.

Administrative Department 5

Strategic Personnel and Talent Development

The Department's duties and responsibilities include assisting Ruhr University Bochum in accomplishing its development objectives. It focuses on supporting organizational structures and processes as well as ongoing training for the university's executive personnel and staff.

Administrative Department 6

Corporate Communications

Administrative Department 8 houses the PR, branding and Science Communications. The photo resp. graphic design agency provides its services to all university members.

Administrative Department 8

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