
Numerous facilities provide streamlined procedures and comprehensive services.

Luftaufnahme der RUB

RUB excels in cutting-edge interdisciplinary research across traditional boundaries, which is organized effectively in multidisciplinary matrix structures for collaborative research, and benefits from hosting the full spectrum of academic disciplines – the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, engineering and medicine.

Since 1 January 2007, RUB has had legal status as a corporation under public law. The university is managed by the Rectorate. Together with other steering committees, the Rectorate is responsible for the organisation and development of teaching and research at RUB.

The administration of RUB with its approximately 750 employees in eight departments is characterised by flat hierarchies and a pronounced team orientation. It supports science through pragmatic and solution-oriented management with short distances and prompt decision-making.

The co-determination of various groups at the university is carried out through committees, councils and the representatives of special interest groups.

In addition to the faculties, there are other academic institutions that assume specific functions.

Wegweiser an der RUB

To ensure that students and researchers of RUB can concentrate fully on their work and find the best conditions for this, the university offers members and externals a comprehensive service.

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