University communication
Strategisches Marketing Herz Audimax
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Strategic marketing

The Strategic Marketing department pursues the goal of strengthening the Ruhr-Universität Bochum brand in the long term. We pursue this task on a large and small scale to ensure that the people who study, work and research here see themselves represented in what RUB stands for.

Student marketing

We take on the PR work to convince pupils and prospective students of the Ruhr-Universität. To this end, we draw up action plans and implement them together with the Student Services and International Office. Together with the editorial team, we report on offers at the transition from school to university, during studies and on the first steps into professional life.

We also provide editorial support for the services and activities of the Student Lifecycle Services department and coordinate events and films for prospective and current students. In addition to pupils, we also focus on multipliers such as parents and teachers.

Contact us

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Job Fair

We are involved in the network Stellenwerk of Universität Hamburg Marketing GmbH by supporting the website development and communication of the job fair on the Ruhr University campus.

The strategy of the RUB brand

In cooperation with the legal department, we take care of the protection of the brands "RUB" and "Ruhr-Universität".

We define rules for brand communication and create the basis for branding. In doing so, we take up the wishes of the employees for corporate templates and implement them if they meet the predominant needs of the Ruhr-Universität institutions.

Brand mission statement

"Why RUB?" is the name of the branding process with which we are currently developing a new mission statement. People from all status groups were able to contribute their opinions, experiences and perspectives in various workshops.

The result of this process will clearly position RUB in its presentation and in the competition for talent and funding.


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Bildcollage aus Audimax, Reagenzglas und Person

Ruhr-Universität Bochum is developing a new mission statement. Share your perspectives with us.


We bring Ruhr-Universität merchandising products to the market and sell them online and in the Unishop on campus (Hörsaalzentrum Ost - HZO).

Through branding, we turn students, employees and alumni and all those who purchase our products in RUB design into brand ambassadors. We make sure that the designs match the needs of RUB members: in 2020, the Unishop launched the so-called Community Collection, whose designs and products could be voted on via social media.

Contact us

You are welcome to send inquiries to


You can find the Strategic Marketing team on the University Communications team page.

Department of University Communication
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