Department 5 – Construction and Facility Management
Material-Anforderungsschein auf Schreibtisch.

5.0 Procurement Service Center (SV)

The procurement office is responsible for all purchases concerning the technical department and thus organizes the planning and implementation of an efficient procurement of public building services, supplies or services, following laws and regulations.

The task of meeting the department’s procurement needs is associated with monitoring procurement regulations to ensure fair, transparent, and economical competition.

Core Tasks

  • Negotiated tender procedures in accordance with the applicable value limits (materials for maintenance, safety equipment)
  • Europe-wide tenders (framework agreements to cover recurring requirements)

Head of Division


Raphaela Mörs Abteilungsleiterin
Head of Procurement Service Center

UV 1/177

Phone Number
Organization Chart SV

The current version of the organizational charts of Department 5 can be found in the Serviceportal (German website):

Organizational Charts Department 5

(The Serviceportal is only available to Ruhr University Bochum employees within the campus network.)

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Dokuments.
Construction and Facility Management
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