Strategic Personnel and Talent Development

Advice in challenging situations

Social Counseling is the internal counseling center for all employees of Ruhr University Bochum.


The social counseling service offers employees of Ruhr University Bochum advice and support in the event of difficulties such as

  • Conflicts at the workplace
  • Risk of addiction and addiction
  • Dealing with psychological stress
  • Life crises

The counseling service is aimed at all Ruhr University Bochum employees.

Counseling is provided

  • confidential
  • independent and
  • solution-, process- and resource-oriented

Social counseling is subject to legal confidentiality.

Independent - confidential - solution-oriented

Independent means that the consultant follows her professional expertise. Any influence by third parties - for example by superiors or the administration - is excluded. The consultation is completely voluntary.

Counseling is completely confidential and anonymous. The course and content of all discussions are subject to confidentiality and the highest data protection regulations.

Solution-oriented means that the counseling focuses entirely on finding solutions. In this way, many issues can be resolved in just a few appointments.

Employees can find further information on the counseling approach and on Ms Lee in the Serviceportal.

Serviceportal: Information for employees

In the Serviceportal (German website) employees of Ruhr University Bochum can find further information on the social counseling service and information material on topics such as

(The service portal is only available to Ruhr University Bochum employees within the campus network. Your IP address will not be traced when you access the pages of the Serviceportal.)

Students receive advice and support from the Psychological Student Advisory Service.



Portätfoto von Ivonne Lee aus der Psychozialen Beratung.
Social counseling
Administrative Department 6: Strategic Personnel and Talent Development

FNO 01/133

Phone Number
Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Dokuments.
Administrative Department of Strategic Personnel and Talent Development
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