Further Institutions

To ensure that students and researchers of Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) can concentrate fully on their work and find the best conditions for this, the university offers members and externals a comprehensive service.


The description “central” says it all: without institutions such as the university library or IT.SERVICES, the campus couldn’t possibly work.

Wegweiser an der RUB

RUB has its own advertising agency, event agency and printing shop. These institutions make it possible to, for example, plan, advertise and realise events from A to Z.

Foto: Hinter einer grünen Theke mit dem weißen Schritfzug "Herzlich willkommen" in vielen unterschiedlichen Sprachen und Schriften sind zwei sitzende Personen und drei Monitore zu sehen. Auf dem linken Ende der Theke steht eine Pflanze. An der Wand steht der Schriftzug "Reception" und es hängt ein Monitor an der Wand.

The Campus Service is here to point you in the right direction. It provides orientation aids and practical information for (prospective) students, employees and visitors at Ruhr University Bochum. More services include the allocation of lecture halls, the lost property office and campus tours.

Student mit Unishop-Merchandise

Whether it's a T-shirt, a coffee mug or the perfume "Knowledge by RUB": You can buy the products of the Unishop of Ruhr University Bochum on campus and selected products worldwide online.

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