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Mission Statement

We have drawn up our mission statement after long round-table discussions with employees and executives from the technical and administrative departments. It reflects reality and incorporates the visions which we wish to realise together, and is meant to be our guideline that will help us fulfil our duties.

The principles listed therein constitute a guiding framework for a shared identity and will be continuously reviewed and updated with regard to their sustainability.

Our Function and Service Range

With its broad range of services, the Central Administration is one of the university’s key organisations. We create the environment in which high-standard research and academia can evolve. We fulfil a wide variety of tasks for prospective and current students, teachers and researchers, as well as all other university members and affiliates. We collaborate with the people, institutions and organisations associated with us inside and outside the university, on a national and international level.
We take our customers’ and partners’ concerns and requests seriously and meet them in a forthcoming, friendly and open manner. We conduct our work in a dedicated and efficient fashion. We display professional competence and solve problems in a flexible and creative way. In all this, we are always striving to ensure the utmost in transparency with regard to administrative and decision-making processes.
The administration is subject to ongoing changes. In this process of change, we welcome new input and continuously optimise the quality of our work. We respect the Equal Treatment Act and object to inappropriate interference and arbitrary actions.

Our Teamwork

We can only then fulfil our duties in the best possible manner if we act as a team where each and every member is dedicated and motivated to work towards a shared goal. This means first and foremost that every single one of us is prepared to take responsibility for his or her actions and behaviour on the job as well as in his or her private capacity. Everyone contributes actively to creating a positive work environment. By treating our co-workers in a respectful, open and friendly manner, we ensure high levels of loyalty, fairness and lack of discrimination. We provide mutual information and support – across all administrative departments and hierarchical levels. The first rule in any conflict is to keep the debate objective and on-topic. We are committed to creating good working conditions and treat one another with consideration.
We understand that each and every one of us makes an important contribution to the administration’s range of functions, and we acknowledge and value our colleagues’ performance and experience. We are aware that we can only meet the ever-growing requirements and changes associated with our range of duties by taking part in ongoing training and coaching programmes. To this end, it is necessary to allot a lot of space and time to internal communication.
We are also prepared to continuously broaden our professional, methodical and social competencies. Relevant qualification measures are amply provided. As far as our activities are concerned, we are committed to the principle of utilising the resources that are available to us in a targeted, profitable and environmentally sound manner.

Our Management Principles

The complex and varied functions of the technical and administrative departments require qualified and dedicated managerial and executive personnel with outstanding professional competence and social skills. By assuming managerial duties and working hand in hand with our employees, we create the conditions under which teamwork flourishes and collaboration and communication are embraced.
We are deeply committed to equal opportunities in employment and service delivery. We consider diversity an important asset of our workplace. We prevent any forms of discrimination. To this end, we delegate responsibility, distribute tasks fairly and involve employees actively in workflow organisation.
Our management principles require us to engage in continuous and open communication with our employees regarding the shared performance of tasks and duties. A job well done will always be explicitly acknowledged. We shield and protect our employees. We accept appropriate, constructive critique. As managerial resp. executive staff, we are aware of our responsibility and our role-model status. By ensuring consistency of words and actions, we help realising the principles and ideals of our mission statement.

Our Vision

By implementing the principles of our mission statement in our daily routine, we strive to help all members of our staff engage with their workplace at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Our goal is to create optimal working conditions, better job satisfaction and higher motivation levels through suitable projects and measures and, consequently, to achieve an observable increase in overall quality. Every one of us wishes to contribute constructively and happily to the successful implementation of all university functions.

Mission Statement (German)

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