Administrative Department 3: Human Resources and Legal affairs
Eine Person überreicht einer anderen eine RUB-Urkunde.

Professorships, appointments, civil servants

We provide support throughout the entire cycle of an appointment procedure (from job advertisement to appointment), in recruiting civil servants in academia and administration, as well as in personnel administration for the relevant personnel categories.

Core responsibilities


  • Reviewing job advertisements and arranging for their publication
  • Assignment of an appointment commissioner
  • Monitoring the procedure and advising the appointment committees
  • Reviewing the incoming staffing proposal and preparing it for the Rectorate’s referral
  • Reviewing the recruitment documents
  • Offer of professorship, preparation and follow-up of appointment or retention hearings
  • Making preparations for the appointment
  • If applicable, supervision of “joint appointments”

Recruitment of other civil servants

  • Review of advertisements, participation in committees and initiation of the publication of job advertisements
  • Reviewing the recruitment documents
  • Making preparations for the appointment

Personnel administration of civil servants on the payroll

  • Advising employees on service law issues
  • Managing holidays and sick leave
  • Managing any changes in the employment relationship (part-time, parental leave, special leave, etc.)

Other groups of persons, other applications

  • for the appointment of adjunct professors and honorary professors
  • for the appointment of interim professors
  • for the appointment of senior professors/senior researchers

We are happy to help


Do you have questions on the advertisement of professorships or the role of appointment committees and appointment commissioners? Contact us by email:

Head of Division


Phone Number

Deputy of the Head of Division during absence


Phone Number
Information for members of staff

Employees will find all contact persons for the Professorships, Appointments, Civil Servants Division as well as information on the following topics in the service portal (German website):

(The service portal is only available to RUB employees within the campus network.)

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Dokuments.
Administrative Department 3 – Human Resources and Legal affairs
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