In addition to the classic analog finding aids, you may now use the digital interface to our database: The online module of our archives management software, ACTApro Benutzung, allows public digital research in our holdings.
Start your search by browsing the tree structure and/or using the search mask. The search results, i.e. the indexing data of our holdings, only contain general descriptions. Further information and content as well as visual media such as photos or plans are only available to a limited extent. Important: Digital copies or transcriptions of files are not included.
Following the search, selected results can be saved in the watch list or cart and an order of the requested holdings to access them on-site at the University Archive can be placed. Please note the conditions and further information on the website of the digital research module.
Irrespective of the free search, please mind that if you wish to access your requested holdings that it is mandatory to send a written request prior – either by e-mail to or during the order process in the "Freitext" field in the cart – stating the specific research interest. In addition to the system's automated order confirmations, we will always follow up on your order and check the respective legal status (e.g. valid retention periods under the archive law of the state of Northrhine-Westphalia). Reference services are only possible if the legal status grants access!