All 20 faculties, two central academic institutions and one central operating unit took part in the internal Ruhr University Bochum survey on the need for e-exams conducted in spring 2019 and registered a need, as the current central computer rooms at Ruhr University Bochum are not technically and structurally equipped for e-exams. The conversion is being carried out by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum itself as the direct client with the support of an external project management company Bureau Veritas from Berlin. Department Construction Management is acting as the client and is responsible for the success of the project together with the project management team.
The project is currently in service phases 6 and 7, which means that tender documents for the trades to be put out to tender are being prepared by the project team and published by the awarding office. Subsequently, incoming tenders are formally checked by the awarding office and technically by the planning office.
Tasks of the Project Management
The project management is actively involved in the preparation and implementation of planning meetings and committee meetings, in ensuring sufficient communication between all project participants and in coordinating the service content, taking into account user and operator interests. In addition, constant monitoring and coordination of quality, costs and deadlines and adequate documentation of all project data is an essential task of project management. Project management also forms an important interface between the planning team and Ruhr University Bochum's operational engineering department, as the university's technical requirements must be communicated and integrated into the planning as early as the preliminary and design phase. The project management also issues approvals and organizes and participates in acceptance tests.
The Project in Figures
- Project start: May 2022
- Project completion: February 2023
- Area: approx. 740 m²
- Test stations: 255
- Inclusion test stations: 8
Project Participants
On the client side:
- Client: Ruhr University Bochum, Department 5.2 - Building and Real Estate
- User: Ruhr University Bochum, IT.SERVICES
- Project management: Bureau Veritas Construction Services
Planning participants:
- General planning: Kremer+Scheib Ingenieure GmbH
- Project planning: Architekturbüro Damm
- Fire protection: Sondermann + Möller GbR