Department 5 – Construction and Facility Management

5.7 Planning and Construction (PB)

The Construction Management division is responsible for the project management of major construction projects at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Core Tasks

  • Project management across service phases 1-8 of the HOAI on the user side
  • Interface function between user groups, external project partners (planning offices and contractors), building owner (Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW) and the university management
  • Examination of technical documents and involvement of the technical specialist groups of operational technology
  • Preparation of financing documents, concepts, decision papers, risk reports, schedules
  • Budget responsibility (financing/liquidity assurance, recording of all costs, invoice and performance auditing, supplementary management)
  • Supervision and monitoring of plant commissioning
  • Acceptance of construction work with companies, building authorities and other committees as part of structural acceptance inspections and support for expert acceptance inspections
  • Carrying out tenders and contract awards, conducting negotiations, drawing up planning and construction service contracts
  • Handling small projects as client representative (clarification of technical framework conditions, tendering of planning and construction services, coordination of construction measures, cost controlling, auditing)
  • Determination, consideration and safeguarding of sustainability and environmental aspects as well as energy efficiency

It is an exciting and, above all, diverse field of activity that is characterized by numerous internal and external contacts. It should be particularly emphasized that it is not limited to purely office-based work, but that on-site appointments and inspections of existing buildings and (potential) construction sites are also on the agenda. The great advantage of this is that there are no long journeys, but the projects are carried out on campus or within the Bochum city area. This provides the opportunity to supervise the construction site from close up and to see the new building grow steadily. In general, the situation with regard to the construction volume of the past and coming years at Ruhr University Bochum is probably unique, so that exciting tasks will have to be mastered for years to come.

Uwe Burckhardt, Head of Construction Management


Some selected projects that were recently processed by the Construction Management Division.

As part of this conversion project, a new e-examination room for conducting digitized examinations is being created in the former psychology library in the GAFO building.

This project involved the construction of a new outdoor sports facility and a temporary parking lot for the Faculty of Sports Science at Bochum Health Campus North 10.

This conversion measure was carried out as part of the "Smart Windpark Laboratory" research project of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

The ZESS research building has created the spatial prerequisites for researching interactions between people, technology and organization in the future field of Industry 4.0.

Division Management



UV 1/146

Phone Number


Deputy head of division

UV 1/161

Phone Number



UV 1/126

Phone Number




UV 1/148

Phone Number



SH 1/132 - 136

Phone Number
Organization Chart PB

The current version of the organizational charts of Department 5 can be found in the Serviceportal (German website):

Organizational Charts Department 5

(The Serviceportal is only available to Ruhr University Bochum employees within the campus network.)

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Dokuments.
Construction and Facility Management
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