Administrative Department 3: Human Resources and Legal affairs
Justitiariat der RUB
Strafgesetzbuch, aufgeschlagen.

Legal Department

The Legal Department is responsible for legal matters at Ruhr University Bochum. The areas in which the Legal Department works range from examining and drafting contracts to copyright.

Core tasks

  • Examining, drafting and signing contracts
  • Supporting the faculties in matters concerning examination law and student admissions procedures
  • Supporting academia and administration at Ruhr University Bochum in legal disputes
  • Support with legal issues
  • Legal assistance and judicial representation
  • Dunning and enforcement proceedings for the University’s claims under civil law
Internal reporting office

The Legal Department is also an internal reporting office in accordance with Section 12 of the Law for Better Protection of Whistleblowers and for the Implementation of the Directive on the Protection of Persons Reporting Violations of Union Law (Whistleblower Protection Act).

Information can be submitted by telephone, email to or in writing.

We are here for you

Please send us an email or give us a call:

Information for employees

Employees can find all of the contact persons at the Legal Department as well as information on the following subjects in the service portal (German website):

(The service portal is only available to employees of Ruhr University Bochum within the campus network.)

Administrative Department 3 – Human Resources and Legal affairs
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