Occupational Health Unit

Occupational Health

The occupational health unit advises employees, supervisors and students at Ruhr University Bochum on all health issues at the workplace or during their studies.

Main tasks

  • Advising the employer and other persons responsible for occupational safety and accident prevention at Ruhr University Bochum
  • Advising employees on health issues in the workplace
  • Carrying out preventive occupational health care for employees (advice, examinations, work-related vaccinations)
  • Assistance with company integration management (BEM) and reintegration after long-term incapacity to work

Additional services

  • First aid in the event of injuries or acute illnesses at the workplace (please contact us in advance by telephone, as the staff unit is not always staffed by medical personnel)
  • Presentation of various office chairs that can be ordered from Ruhr University Bochum's procurement office (please register to try out the chairs by calling 0234 32 24400)
  • Free travel medical consultations exclusively for business trips abroad (please allow sufficient time between the consultation appointment and the start of the trip so that any necessary travel vaccinations can be carried out in good time)
  • Vaccination record check and advice on necessary/useful vaccinations.
Please note

As an occupational health service, it is not possible to bill health insurance companies. Therefore, apart from the emergency treatments mentioned above, no medical treatments or general (non-work-related) vaccinations can be carried out.

Further information can be found in the service portal (login required).

Contact us

Dr. med.

Dr. Wiegand und ihr Team
Company doctor

NB 04/57

Phone Number


NB 04/57 (directly behind the entrance to building NB on Nordstraße)

Lageplan AMD
Standort Arbeitsmedizin Sozialberatung
Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Dokuments.
Strategic Units
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