Reference Services
Auf einem Tisch liegen auf der linken Seite zwei Stapel Zeitschriften, RUBENS und RUB-aktuell, rechts daneben liegt ein aufgeschlagenes Exemplar der BSZ - Bochumer Studierendenzeitung
Zeitschriftenbestände des Universitätsarchivs

Reference Services

The University Archive’s reference services are free of charge and available to everyone – not only to members of the university.

Please note:


Reference services available only by prior appointment

The University Archive does not offer regular opening times. If you'd like to visit us, it is mandatory to first send a request via e-mail containing information about your specific research interest.


Thank you for your understanding!

After having finalized your research beforehand you may request our reference services. We try to reply to all requests as effectively as possible and allow access to our holdings if no retention periods apply otherwise.

Currently, browsing through archive holdings' indexes is possible only on-site at the University Archive. There is a user PC for this purpose available. In the future, research of our holdings will be possible via digital interface on our website.

Please note: If you would like to browse through the holdings and/or wish to refer to documents of our holdings, it is mandatory to arrange a date with us. Please send your requests via e-mail at

Contact us

Phone: +49 234 32 19233

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Building MB, level 4, section north-west, room 103
Universitätsstrasse 142
44799 Bochum

Directions and maps

Postal address
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsarchiv MB 4/101
Universitätsstrasse 150
44780 Bochum

Mobility and Accessibility

Accessible routes to the University Archive (PDF, German)

The University Archive is located on level 4 in the building MB on campus. The building is wheelchair accessible via the central entrance (glass elevator). The north and south entrances and elevators are level access as well, although the entrance doors do not open automatically. The building provides wheelchair accessible restrooms (door width: 93 cm) on level 4 next to the north and south elevators. Further information on accessibility on campus e. g. disabled parking spaces, assistive equipment pools and maps can be found here:

RUB: Mobility

AKAFÖ: Social Inclusion

If you have any questions concerning accessibility feel free to contact us, we’re happy to help.

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