Administrative Department 3: Human Resources and Legal affairs
Personalangelegenheiten MTV
Unibrücke RUB

Technical and administrative staff and internal staff placement

The division handles personnel matters concerning technical and administrative staff.

We advise employees and executives on their concerns and questions from recruitment to the termination of the employment relationship.

Core tasks

Own employment matters

  • Inability to work
  • Changes to working hours
  • Educational leave
  • Parental leave
  • LBV amendment service
  • Special leave
  • Teleworking
  • Overtime accounting
  • Annual leave
  • Contract-related matters
  • Reintegration
Your contact person

Select the first letter of your surname to find your administrator for the topics listed above:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O
P | Q | R | S | Sch | St | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Support in personnel matters

  • Official medical reports
  • Questions and measures on labour law
  • Letter of reference
  • Grouping
  • Recruitment
  • Internal staff placement
  • Job advertisement
  • Staffing
  • Level setting
  • Transfer
Your contact person

Select the first letter of the surname in question to find your contact person for the topics listed above:

A–H | I–O | P–Z

Head of Division



UV 2/207

Phone Number

Deputy of the Head of Division



UV 2/277

Phone Number
Service portal: Information for members of staff

RUB employees can find information in the service portal (German website) on the following subjects:

(The service portal is only available to RUB employees within the campus network.)

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Administrative Department 3 – Human Resources and Legal affairs
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