University communication
Studierende Tablets
Studierende mit digitalen Endgeräten

Your topic on the central RUB channels

Life on campus is diverse and colorful - no wonder with around 50,000 people studying, teaching, researching or working in technology and administration here. University Communications uses its wide-reaching channels to report on these people: their new degree courses, innovative teaching formats, their exhibitions and plays in the Music Center or awards received by one of these 50,000 people. Here you can find out how your topic can find its way into the public eye.

News and press releases

With the news section on the Ruhr-Universität website, the news portal and the press releases, the editorial team reaches people on campus and in the region as well as the national media. These channels report in the areas of science, studies, university politics, people, culture and leisure, miscellaneous and service.

We research, write and coordinate texts, have them illustrated by the brand communication agency and, if necessary, translated externally. We select relevant and high-profile topics based on journalistic and strategic criteria.

Criteria for our reporting

The aim of the editorial team is to provide a comprehensive picture of life at the Ruhr-Universität through the news portal and the homepage. The strengths of the university in research and teaching, cultural and leisure activities and campus life are to be presented. The guiding principles for the journalistic selection of topics are therefore

  • Topicality: Readers should be able to rely on always being kept up to date here. We report promptly on events and results, announce dates in advance and publish service messages such as current traffic disruptions due to construction work. We also independently generate topics relating to current events that affect many people in their everyday lives (e.g. natural disasters, health, elections).
  • Strategic goals: Preference is given to articles that correspond to the university's strategic goals, i.e. that contain news about research priorities or important projects, for example.
  • News value: We prefer to select topics with a high news value; for example, we look for something special that stands out from the crowd: high-caliber publications, special scientific successes, awards, great commitment, curiosities. Service topics also have a high news value because they affect many people. In general, reports about people and topics with a high impact factor or utility value are read the most.
  • Humanity: We present individuals from different status groups and their stories in order to give Ruhr-Universität a human face.
  • Mix of topics: The editorial team makes sure that the topics alternate and that all subject areas are covered as regularly as possible. In this way, the different status groups on campus should feel equally addressed.

Science editorial team

Science fascinates people and arouses their curiosity - and researchers are looking for the public. The Department of University Communication works at this interface and provides various platforms to facilitate dialog between science and the public: In addition to press work on research topics and reports in the news portal, we publish the science magazine Rubin twice a year, in which we report on current research findings in greater depth.

Media and press relations

We bring the media and researchers at the Ruhr-Universität together and thus ensure that the expertise of the Ruhr-Universität is accessible to a broad public. To this end, we write press releases, maintain media contacts, deal with media inquiries and provide information in coordination with the university management or the administrative departments.

Social media

We produce and post target group-oriented content and respond to comments from the communities on

How do I stay up to date myself?

  • We use our channels to inform members of the Ruhr-Universität about campus life.
  • Further news for employees can be found in the service portal, which is only available to Ruhr-Universität employees within the campus network.
    Service portal
  • If you want to know how external media report on the Ruhr-Universität, subscribe to our media review. You will receive the reporting highlights every working day.
    Media review subscription
  • The free RUB Mobile app is also practical for employees
    All advantages

Tips, guidelines and contacts

You can find tips for your activity on social channels, guidelines and contacts on our service page.

Attention for your event

As a member of the Ruhr-Universität, you are organizing a science slam, inviting people to an open day or have organized a reading - we can help you make sure that your target group hears about it! If you are planning a major event that is worth reporting on in detail, you are also welcome to contact us - please give us at least four weeks' notice. We will then announce your event in the appropriate channels.

For our Instagram event channel @ruhrunievents, you can send us information about your events using our form .

Further event services

If you need general help with event organization, please contact our event agency Universaal.

Would you like to reach the citizens of Bochum with your event? Then you should also pass on your dates to media outside the Ruhr-Universität. You can find further information on this in the service portal.

The service portal is only available to employees within the campus network.

Contact us

We would be happy to advise you on the right format for your concerns and which topics you should approach the public with. Contact us by e-mail or telephone if you have exciting research results, a new research project has been approved or you would like to talk to the public about other aspects of your work.

Non-scientific topics


Arne Dessaul

UV 0/014

Phone Number

Scientific topics



UV 0/032

Phone Number
Department of University Communication
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