The History of RUB

The History of Ruhr University

Schwarzweiß-Fotografie der zweiten Sitzung der Gesamtheit der Professoren der RUB am 24.2.1964 im Sitzungssaal der Universitätsverwaltung; am Kopfende des Tisches Prof. Wenke (gestikulierend), links davon Kanzler Seel. Im Hintergrund an der Wand ist als großformatiger Ausdruck "Die Henne" zu sehen: Eine Karte des Suchgebiets für den Standort der RUB im Bochumer Süden, dessen äußere Kontur an eine abstrakte Henne erinnert.

Facts and Figures


Timetable: Establishment of the University, Structure and Constitution

  • 18 July 1961 - Decision of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia in favor of Bochum as the site of a new university
  • May 1962 - Presentation of a draft of the structural plans (research and teaching in 18 departments) by the founding committee for Bochum University - In December, the "Empfehlungen zum Aufbau der Universität Bochum" (Recommendations for the Structure of Bochum University) are published
  • 17/04/1963 - Appointment of the first professor
  • 29/30 April 1965 - 6th meeting of the hitherto appointed professors: Election of the first rector as well as the deans, senators and spokespersons of the departments, constitution of the senate
  • 30/06/1965 - Ceremonial opening of the University
  • 02/11/1965 - Commencement of teaching in the humanities and social sciences departments as well as in individual natural science departments
  • 01/10/1967 - Integration of the Essen Clinic into the RUB (until 1972; previously: Clinic II of the University of Münster)
  • 25/06/1969 - Resolution of the "Konvent" on a new constitution - the RUB receives a Rectorate as the governing body and a university parliament with quarterly equal representation as the "organ of lawmaking"
  • 01/10/1975 - Establishment of "Unikontakt" (contact point university/economy)
  • 25/01/1977 - Start of the "Bochumer Modell" (Bochum Model) of medical training in cooperation with hospital providers in the region, from 1998 "Klinikum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum" (Clinic of the Ruhr University Bochum)
  • 20/08/1984 - New constitution – The university parliament is replaced by a "Konvent", the term"department" ("Abteilung") for the basic organizational unit of the university is changed to "faculty"
  • 20/03/1998 - Foundation of the research and processing company "RUBITEC - Gesellschaft für Innovation und Technologie mbH" (RUBITEC - Society for Innovation and Technology)
  • 13/04/1999 - Foundation of the “Akademie der Ruhr-Universität” (Academy of the Ruhr-Universität) (from May 2001 GmbH)
  • 27/03/2002 - Entry into force of a new constitution – the previous "Konvent" as a central body is no longer in place, its competences are transferred to the Senate or extended Senate
  • 02/26/2004 - Opening of the “Alfried Krupp Schülerlabor” (Alfried Krupp School Student Laboratory)
  • 08/11/2005 - Establishment of the “Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung” (Center for Foreign Language Education)
  • 01/11/2006 - Start of the campus-wide graduate school "Ruhr-University Research School"
  • 01/01/2007 - Transfer of the “Landesspracheninstitut” (State Language Institute” to the RUB
  • 12/03/2007 - Foundation of the “Universitätsallianz Metropole Ruhr” (“Research Alliance Ruhr”) by the universities of Bochum, Dortmund and Duisburg-Essen
  • 25/10/2007 - Adoption of a new constitution by the Senate - RUB receives an externally staffed University Council and, as a further body, the Faculty Conference.
  • 12/01/2009 - Establishment of the first three interdisciplinary Research Departments - With the establishment of three more in 2009/2010, the original planning of the future concept "RUB Research Campus" is implemented
  • 01/09/2010 - Foundation of the "Professional School of Education"

Timetable: Construction Works

  • 15/09/1961 - Establishment of a "Sonderbauamt” (Special Construction Office), later to become the State Construction Office for the University of Bochum, by the Ministry of State Planning, Housing and Public Works
  • 29/06/1962 - Invitation to tender for a nation-wide, urban planning ideas competition for the construction of a university in Bochum, to which eight international architects were also invited
  • 02/07/1962 - Laying of the foundation stone for the first state student dormitory on Overbergstraße (initially used as a collective building), completed 23 October 1963
  • 14/02/1963 - The jury decides on the 86 designs submitted; the first prize of 50,000 DM goes to the architectural firm Hentrich/Petschnigg from Düsseldorf
  • 01/04/1963 - Foundation of the joint planning office for the University of Bochum in Düsseldorf, composed of the Hentrich/Petschnigg architectural firm and employees of the State Building Department
  • 29/09/1963 - Establishment of a special construction staff and appointment of Ministerialdirigent Fridolin Hallauer as special representative for the construction of the University
  • 02/01/1964 - Start of construction work on the university campus with two department buildings of engineering sciences IA and IB, completed 30 June 1965
  • 01/06/1964 - Start of serial production of 32 t ceiling tiles (12 per day) in the field factory on the university campus
  • November 1964 - start of construction of the last department building IC for engineering sciences, completed November 1967
  • January 1965 - Start of construction of the department buildings for the Natural Sciences, NA and NB completed October 1968, NC and ND July 1970
  • May 1965 - Completion of the State Student Dormitories I and II on Laerholzstrasse, construction started June 1964
  • June 1965 - Completion of Mensa I (today BlueBox Bochum of Bochum University of Applied Sciences) in the so-called “Übergangsforum Ost” (Transitional Forum East), start of construction August 1964
  • May 1966 - Start of construction of the department buildings for the humanities, GA completed October 1970, GB January 1971 and GC April 1971
  • July 1966 - Start of construction of the department buildings for medicine, building MA completed 1970
  • August 1966 - Decision of the jury on the competition for the development and landscape planning of the recreational area at the planned Bochum reservoir including the grounds of the Ruhr University Bochum, first prize went to the landscape architects Georg and Rosemarie Penker from Neuss
  • November 1967 - Completion of the "Schwesternwohnheim" (nurses' residence) as part of the planned clinic, for temporary use as a "Baustabsgebäude" (construction staff building) and later as the "Unihochhaus West" (University High-rise Building West), start of construction July 1965
  • April 1971 - Moving in into the “Hörsaalzentrum Ost” (HZO, Lecture Hall Center East), construction period October 1968 to February 1971
  • 11/06/1971 - Opening of the Botanical Garden (completion of first construction phase), construction period July 1968 to May 1973 (completion of second construction phase)
  • August 1971 - Completion of the “Querforum Ost” (Transverse Forum East), construction began June 1968
  • 08/10/1971 - Opening of "Mensa II", construction period May 1968 to September 1971
  • February 1972 - Completion of the energy center, construction began April 1966
  • November 1972 - Opening of the Universitätsstrasse with a total length of 9.1 kilometers and 24 bridges, construction period January 1963 to June 1972
  • May 1973 - Completion of isotope laboratory and particle accelerator, construction started February 1970
  • 17/10/1973 - Opening of the “Uni-Center” (completion of 1st construction phase), start of construction October 1971
  • 10/16/1974 - Opening of the University Library at Forumsplatz, start of construction July 1970
  • January 1975 - Consecration of the ecumenical church forum in the "Uni-Center" with protestant and catholic churches, construction period 1972 to 1975
  • May 1975 - Opening of the pedestrian bridge over the Universitätsstrasse, since 1990 "Dr.-Gerhard-Petschelt-Brücke"
  • 10/02/1978 - Opening of the Auditorium Maximum – Topping-out ceremony was already on March 8, 1974, start of construction in October 1970
  • June 1980 - Moving in into the University Administration building at the "Nordforum" (north forum), construction started in October 1973
  • June 1981 - Completion of "Studierendenhaus" (Student House)
  • 30/05/1984 - Opening of "Musisches Zentrum" (Artistic Center), construction period 1971 to 1984 – thus, the last building of the original architectural planning was completed


Publications on the History of the Ruhr University Bochum

The following, chronological list is an introductory selection of works dealing with various related topics. Please mind the German citation style.

  • Empfehlungen zum Aufbau der Universität Bochum. Denkschrift des Gründungsausschusses, veröff. vom Kultusministerium des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bochum 1962
  • Wenke, Hans/Knoll, Joachim H. (Hrsg.): Festschrift zur Eröffnung der Universität Bochum, Bochum 1965
  • Die Universität Bochum. Gesamtplanung, hrsg. vom Minister für Landesplanung, Wohnungsbau und öffentliche Arbeiten des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (=Monographie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bd. 1), Stuttgart/Bern 1965; unter abweichenden Reihentiteln sind erschienen: Bd. 2: Ruhruniversität Bochum. Baudokumentation 1965, Düsseldorf 1965; Bd. 3: Ruhruniversität Bochum. Baudokumentation 1966, Düsseldorf 1967
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum Jahrbuch, Jg. 1968 bis 1990, hrsg. im Auftrag des Senats der Ruhr-Univer­sität Bochum und des Vorstandes der Gesellschaft der Freunde der Ruhr-Universität Bochum e. V.
  • Werner, Erich/Zieris, Ernst/Lipp, Wolfgang: Student und Studium in Bochum. Zur Soziologie der Gründungssemester an der Ruhr-Universität, Stuttgart 1970
  • Materialien zur Geschichte der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, hrsg. im Auftrag des Vorstandes der Gesell­schaft der Freunde der Ruhr-Universität Bochum e.V., 3 Bde., [1] Entscheidung für Bochum (o. J.), [2] Bauidee und Baugeschehen (1972), [3] Tätigkeitsbericht 1965 - 1970. Kosten, Leistungen, Daten (1973)
  • Rieser, Daniel: Die Studentenbewegung an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum vom Wintersemester 1965/66 bis zum Sommersemester 1971, Diss., Univ. Bochum 1973
  • Nehammer, Johannes/Thol, Hans: Ruhr-Universität Bochum und Universitätswohnstadt. Dokumen­tation 1961-1981, hrsg. von: Stadt Bochum/Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bochum o. J. [1987]
  • Dietz, Burkhard/Schulze, Winfried/Weber, Wolfhard. (Hrsg.): Universität und Politik, Festschrift zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bd. I, zugl. Ruhr-Universität Bochum Jahrbuch 1990, Bochum 1990
  • Schaller, Klaus (Hrsg.): Universität, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft. Festschrift zum 25jährigen Bestehen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bd. II, Sankt Augustin 1990
  • Benning, Frank: Kommunikation über neue Wege klinischer Ausbildung. Das „Bochumer Modell der Medizinerausbildung“ (=Medizinpublizistische Arbeiten, Bd. 5), Bochum 1991
  • Cube, Alexandra von: Die Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Bauaufgabe - Baugeschichte - Baugedanke. Eine kunsthistorische Untersuchung, zugl. Diss., Univ. Bochum 1992, Bochum 1992
  • Bleek, Wilhelm/Weber, Wolfhard (Hrsg.): Schöne neue Hochschulwelt. Idee und Wirklichkeit der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Essen 2003
  • Stallmann, Hans: Euphorische Jahre. Gründung und Aufbau der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (=Düssel­dorfer Schriften zur Neueren Landesgeschichte und zur Geschichte Nordrhein-Westfalens, Bd. 68), zugl. Diss., Univ. Bochum 2003, Essen 2004
  • Schörken, Gerhard: Hochschulbau in Nordrhein-Westfalen 1945 bis 2006, Bd. 2: Die Hochschulstandorte Aachen und Bochum, Tönning/Lübeck/Marburg 2006
  • Geerlings, Wilhelm (Hrsg.): Forscherpersönlichkeiten der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Essen 2008
  • Wappler, Friederike/Hoppe-Sailer, Richard (Hrsg.): Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Campusmuseum, Sammlung Moderne, Bochum 2008
  • Lorenz, Jörg: Sanieren - gestalten - entwickeln. Von der Bauunterhaltung an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum zur Sanierung nach Standortkonzept, mit einem Beitrag von Alexandra Apfelbaum, hrsg. von: Ruhr-Universität Bochum/Universitätsarchiv, Bochum 2009 [►PDF]
  • Die Henne. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, hrsg. v. Universitätsarchiv Bochum, Hefte 1 - , 2012 - (digital publication, ISSN 21939608) [►List of Numbers ]
  • Blaues Wunder. 50 Jahre Ruhr-Universität Bochum, hrsg. v. Rainer Höck/Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum 2015
  • Für den Campus konzipiert. Die Kunst am Bau der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, hrsg. v. Nina Heindl, Richard Hoppe-Sailer u. Timmy Mastnak-Walisko, Bochum 2015
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Architekturvisionen der Nachkriegsmoderne, hrsg. v. Richard Hoppe-Sailer, Cornelia Jöchner u. Frank Schmitz, Berlin 2015


The Rectors of Ruhr University Bochum

Please note that the names of faculties resp. departments as well as disciplines and professorships are based on their respective historical origins.

  • Prof. Dr. Hans Wenke

* 22/4/1903, Sangerhausen, † 27/02/1971

University Hamburg, Education

Chairman of the founding committee for Bochum University 1961-1966

1963: Promoted to founding director

  • Prof. Dr. Heinrich Greeven

* 4/10/1906, Toruń (Thorn/West Prussia), † 07/06/1990

Appointed in 1964; Department of Protestant Theology, Exegesis and the New Testament

Entry on office: 30/06/1965

  • Prof. Dr. Kurt H. Biedenkopf

* 28/01/1930, Ludwigshafen, † 12/08/2021

Appointed in 1964; Department of Law, Civil Law, Trade and Economic Law

Entry on office: 15/10/1967

  • Prof. Dr. Hans Faillard

* 02/04/1924, Cologne, † 05/08/2005

Appointed in 1964; Department of Scientific Medicine, Physiological Chemistry

Entry on office: 15/10/1969

  • Prof. Dr. Siegfried Grosse

* 22/10/1924, Grimma/Saxony, † 17/01/2016

Appointed in 1964; Department of Philology, Old Germanic Studies

Entry on office: 22/02/1972

  • Prof. Dr. Günter Ewald

* 01/04/1929, Steinheim am Main, † 09/07/2015

Appointed in 1964; Department of Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry

Entry on office: 15/10/1973

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Meyer-Dohm

* 25/04/1930, Hamburg

Appointed in 1965; Department of Economics, Economic Science esp. Economic Politics

Entry on office: 15/10/1975

  • Prof. Dr. Knut Ipsen

* 09/06/1935, Hamburg, † 17/03/2022

Appointed in 1974; Department of Law, Public Law

Entry on office: 17/10/1979

Transfer of official duties to Prorector of Education Prof. Dr. Gerd Stratmann, Philological Faculty, on 15/10/1989

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Maßberg

* 11/05/1932, Karlsruhe

Appointed in 1975; Faculty of Machine Engineering, Production Systems and Process Control Engineering

Entry on office: 20/12/1989

  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Bormann

* 15/01/1934 in Nidzica (Neidenburg/East Prussia)

Appointed in 1975; Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Teaching methodology of Physics

Entry on office: 10/01/1994

  • Prof. Dr. Dietmar Petzina

* 15.09.1938, Prague

Appointed in 1970; Faculty of History and Faculty of Social Studies, Social and Economic History

Entry on office: 10/01/1998

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Wagner

* 31/10/1946, Bamberg

Appointed in 1988; Faculty of Machine Engineering, Machine Elements and Extraction Technology

Entry on office: 01/12/2002

  • Prof. Dr. Elmar Weiler

* 13/06/1949, Bochum

Appointed in 1988; Faculty of Biology, Plant Physiology

Entry on office: 01/12/2006

  • Prof. Dr. Axel Schölmerich

* 23/04/1952, Marburg/Lahn

Appointed in 1996; Faculty of Psychology, Developmental Psychology

Entry on office: 01.10.2015

  • Prof. Dr. Martin Paul

* 1958, Saarland

Appointed in 1997; Freie Universität Berlin, Faculty of Medicine, Charité - University Medical Center Berlin, Clinicopharmacology and Toxicology

Entry on office: 01/11/2021

Founding Committee for Bochum University

The “Beratender Gründungsausschuss” (Advisory Founding Committee) was established shortly after the state parliament’s decision on the location for the new university on 18 July 1961 by the Minister of Cultural Affairs, Schütz. Its constitutional meeting took place on 15 September 1961. Mainly, the committee conferred on structural questions and starting in 1963 additionally began its work as appointment commission. The Advisory Founding Committee held sessions partly by bringing in newly appointed professors until 1966.

The committee’s members were in alphabetical order:

  • Prof. Dr. phil. Heinz Bittel

University of Münster, Applied Physics

  • Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Max Braubach

University of Bonn, Medieval and Early Modern History

  • Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Helmut Coing

University of Frankfurt, Law

  • Prof. Dr. phil. Werner Conze

University of Heidelberg, Medieval and Early Modern History

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eugen Flegler

University of Applied Sciences Aachen, General and Theoretical Electronics

  • Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. phil. Dr. sc. pol. Joseph Höffner

University of Münster, Christian Social Sciences (member until 31/08/1962)

  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. h. c. Ernst KIenk

University of Cologne, Physiological Chemistry

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Kurt Klöppel

University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Statics and Steel Construction

  • Prof. em. Dr. med. Paul Martini

University of Bonn, Internal Medicine

  • Prof. Dr. med. Hubert Meessen

Academy of Medicine Düsseldorf, General Pathology and pathological Anatomy

  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Fritz W. Meyer

University of Bonn, Economical Political Science

  • Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. iur. h.c. Hans Peters

University of Cologne, Public Law

  • Prof. Dr. phil. Joachim Ritter

University of Münster, Philosophy

  • Dr. phil. h. c. Friedrich Schneider

Ministerial Director, Secretary General of the Economics Council

  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Josef Straub

University of Cologne, Botanics

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm WaIcher

University of Marburg, Physics

  • Prof. Dr. phil. Hans Wenke (Chairman)

University of Hamburg, Education

Records and Documents on the History of Ruhr-University Bochum


Concepts and Plans

(Documents until the opening of the university on 30 June 1965)

The first concept for a newly founded university, which had already been decided on by the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, was presented to the First Minister and chosen ministers in form of a “Zwischenbericht” (status report) by the Minister of Cultural Affairs, Schütz, on 01 July 1960. At the time Schütz was a member of the Economics Council, which was established in 1957, as well as chairman of the subcommittee for university expansion.

Transcript of the „Zwischenbericht“ (status report) by the Minister of Cultural Affairs from 1960 (in German)

Following the decision by the state parliament on 18 July 1961, which basically lay down Bochum as the location for the new university, the Minister of Cultural Affairs established a founding committee for the new University of Bochum consisting of 16 prominent professors. Its chairman was education scientist Prof. Hans Wenke and the committee was working between the years 1961 until 1966. Already in May 1962 the committee presented the draft for their structural plans to the state government. The final “Empfehlungen” (recommendations) were published after the approval by the state government in December 1962.

Recommendations on the establishment of Bochum University (in German)

In June 1962 the state government started an architectural competition for the construction of the new university. It already contained the requirements for space allocation based on structural concepts created by the founding committee.

Idea contest of urban planning for Bochum University (transcript, in German)

Beginning with the second half of the year 1963, the first university professors were appointed. During their meetings they discussed matters of academic self-government, also containing constitutional questions, and elected the first rector.

General assembly of the appointed professors - Meeting protocols (in German)


Constitutions of the Ruhr University Bochum

Before the official opening of Bochum University on 30 June 1965, all of the hitherto appointed professors had already met to discuss among other things the soon-to-be constitution.

Transcript of the draft from 1965 for the constitution for Ruhr University Bochum

The minister of cultural affairs didn’t approve this draft but compromised on 24 May 1965 to temporarily proceed on the basis of the draft. He then referred it to the university’s founding committee, which in return then presented their commentary resp. change recommendations on 21 February 1966.

Transcript of the founding committee’s comment on the draft for the constitution

Subsequently, the university administration was willing to adapt the draft in order to follow the founding committee’s recommendations, although there hasn’t been any proposal on the thoroughly revised draft. Merely on three occasions in 1966, 1967 and 1968 the Konvent as the currently in force instution approved smaller changes that stemmed from practical experience.

Transcript of the changes to the constitution 1966 - 1968

The process of a complete revision of the text was halted and subsequently replaced by the demand for a more extensive democratic and participatory constitution. The new constitution of 25 June 1969 largely implemented this with its quarter-parity university parliament as the central organ (“Gruppenuniversität”/group university). This constitution is presented here as a copy of the printed publication, that has been published as the proposal and which shows the text and includes statements.

Constitution of Ruhr University Bochum 1969

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