Inclusion Officers

Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) has appointed inclusion officers to represent the interests of severely disabled people who are employed at the university.

The inclusion officers represent the university as an employer responsibly vis-à-vis

They collaborate closely and with these interest groups.


The inclusion officers are first and foremost responsible for ensuring that RUB as an employer complies with its obligations to protect and promote severely disabled persons.

In case of conflict, they work towards a fair reconciliation of interests between all parties involved.

Just like the thee disabled persons representatives, they must be given the opportunity to comment on any measure that affects or could affect the interests of severely disabled employees before a decision is taken.

Legal basis and agreements

  • RUB appoints inclusion officers in accordance with the provisions of the Social Code (§ 181 SGB IX).
  • The Inclusion Agreement of RUB (see below) was drawn up in 2009 in accordance with § 166 SGB IX (then § 83).

Fields of action

The inclusion officers

  • support the university together with the staff of the Human Resources Department in setting up, filling and financing jobs suitable for severely disabled persons.
  • provide information on the support measures offered by the labour administration, the welfare offices and the Integration Office and provide support in applying for them.
  • advise both line managers and employees on problems relating to the employment of severely disabled people.
  • report to the university management on the status of construction and conversion measures relating to severely disabled persons.
  • support the compliance with the employment obligation (quota) by providing advice and support.

The basis for the collaboration between representatives and committees is the agreement on the integration of disabled people at Ruhr University Bochum (Vereinbarung zur Integration behinderter Menschen an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (PDF)).

Inclusion Officers

Inclusion officer Human Resources

Inklusionsbeauftragter Bau

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Dokuments.
Officers and Representatives
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