
Publications by the University Archive

One of the aims of the University Archive's public relations is the presentation of aspects of Ruhr University Bochum’s history in form of publications. Sources and research findings have been publicated in various periodicals, which are documented on this website. The categories are:

Publication series

Die Henne
Das Cover zeigt neben Titel und Untertitel der Schriftenreihe einen kleinen Fotostreifen bestehend aus fünf Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos, die u. a. einen ehemaligen Rektor in Talar und Universitätsgebäude zeigen. Im Hintergrund ist – von ersterem verdeckt – eine maschinengeschriebene sowie unterschriebene Akte zu sehen

Die Henne.

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (The Hen. Contributions on the History of Ruhr University Bochum)

A publication series by the University Archive Bochum, ISSN: 2193-9608

  • Volume 6 (2020)

Von Halbzeugen und Herzensangelegenheiten.
Der Nachlass des Künstlers Friedrich Gräsel im Universitätsarchiv Bochum.
- Alexandra Apfelbaum

(Of Semi-Witnesses and Matters of the Heart. The Estate of the Artist Friedrich Gräsel in the University Archive Bochum)

Volume 6DOI:

  • Volume 5 (2019)

Spiegel der Historiographiegeschichte.
Der Nachlass Hans Mommsen im Universitätsarchiv Bochum.
- Marlene Friedrich

(Mirroring the History of Historiography. The Estate of Hans Mommsen in the University Archive)

Volume 5DOI:

  • Volume 4 (2015)

Die ungeliebte Tochter.
Zur Genese des Instituts zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung der Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Ein partizipatorischer, wissenschaftspolitischer Prozess 1965-1988.

- Peter Friedemann

(The Unloved Daughter. The Emergence of the Institute of Workers’ History at Ruhr University Bochum. A Participatory and Science Political Process 1965-1988)

Volume 4DOI:

  • Volume 3 (2014)

Tagungen auf der Tenne.
Zum Ankauf des Hofes Beckmann durch die Ruhr-Universität Bochum und seines Wandels zur Internationalen Begegnungsstätte.

- Jörg Lorenz

(A Conference at the Barn. On the Acquisition of Beckmann Farm by the Ruhr University Bochum and the Conversion to Internationale Begegnungsstätte (International Visitor Center))

Die Kapelle unter dem Westkreuz.
Der Ankauf des Liboriushofes für das Universitätsgelände.

- Katrin Klimetzek

(The Chapel under the Western Highway Intersection. The Acquisition of Liborius Farm for the Future University Campus).

Volume 3DOI:

  • Volume 2 (2013)

Im Schatten von Carl Schmitt.
Die merkwürdigen Anfänge der Politikwissenschaft an der Ruhr-Universität.
- Wilhelm Bleek

(Overshadowed by Carl Schmitt. The Curious Start of Political Science at Ruhr University)

Volume 2DOI:

  • Volume 1 (2012)

Universitätsstandort im Parteienstreit.
Aspekte der Gründungsgeschichte der Universität Bochum.

- Jörg Lorenz

(Parties Debate on the Location for the University. Aspects of the Founding History of Bochum University)

Am Anfang war die Henne.
Anmerkungen zur Genese eines Universitätsgeländes.

- Jörg Lorenz

(In the Beginning there was the Hen. Notes on the Formation of the University Campus.)

Volume 1DOI:


Monographs and contributions to other publications
  • Sanieren - gestalten - entwickeln (Renovating - designing - developing)

Documentation on the occasion of the start of the campus renovation in 2008

The construction of a new building “ID” in the east of the RUB campus was the first step towards the implementation of the Hochschulstandortentwicklungsplanung “HSEP” (university location development planning) and thus towards a comprehensive campus renovation.

The documentation - published in 2009 for the topping-out ceremony of ID - traces the lengthy planning process for this. It becomes clear that it was not just a matter of purely structural issues, but also of structural adjustments in research and teaching. Viable concepts to ensure the future sustainability of the university were a mandatory prerequisite for the campus renovation on the part of the state. In retrospect, however, the book also sheds light on maintenance and repairs to the RUB's buildings practically from the very beginning.

Jörg Lorenz: Sanieren - gestalten - entwickeln.

Von der Bauunterhaltung an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum zur Sanierung nach Standortkonzept (Renovating - designing - developing. From building maintenance of Ruhr University Bochum to renovation according to location concept, includes a contribution byn Alexandra Apfelbaum, Bochum 2009 (64 pages)

Read here

  • Die Architektur der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (The architecture of Ruhr University Bochum)

Contribution by Alexandra Apfelbaum M.A.

in: BetonSchönheit. Fotografische Bilder und Informationen aus der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, published by the rector of RUB, 2008, p. 12–18

Read here

  • Das Internationale Begegnungszentrum der RUB - ehemaliger Bauernhof Beckmann (Heimann) (The international meeting center of RUB - former Beckmann farm)

Ein Blick in die Geschichte eines alten Hofes inmitten des Campus (A glance at an old farm’s history amidst the campus),

by Jörg Lorenz, published in 2000, available as a html document via

Read here


Detail einer digitalen Version eines "Archivsplitter"-Artikels aus dem RUBENS-Magazin

Our article series in the former RUBENS university newspaper (1997–2012). In “Archivsplitter” spotlights were cast on singular topics of the history of RUB.

Studentenparlamentswahlen 1967 (1/1997)

(„A little bit of joking, pop music and sex …”. Student parliament elections 1967)

Immatrikulationsfeiern in den 60er Jahren (2/1997)

(The awarding of academic citizenship. Enrollment celebrations in the 1960’s)

Enttäuschendes Anfangssemester der RUB (3/1998)

(1000 places to study left open. Disappointing first semester at RUB)

Studentenzeitschriften in den Jahren 1963 bis 1968 (4/1998)

(Ruhr-Student, BSZ and co. Student newspapers in the years 1963–1968)

Wie Bochum zur Uni kam (5/1998)

(Secret matter: University. How the university came to Bochum)

(Bau-)Planungsphase und Architektenwettbewerb (6/1999)

(In the beginning there was the hen. (Structural) planning stages and an architectural competition)

Ein Blick in die Geschichte der Namensgebung (7/1999)

(Provincial Ruhr University. A glance at the name-giving history)

Gremien in der Verfassungsgeschichte der RUB (8/2000)

(Good bye, „Konvent“ - Take no. 2. The role of Committees in the constitutional history of RUB)

Von den Ursprüngen eines Logos (9/2001)

(New rights for two ancient Greeks. On the origin of a new logo)

Zur Einrichtung theologischer Abteilungen an der RUB (10/2001)

(Ministerial solo run. On the establishment of theological departments at RUB)

Büchersammlung in der Zeche (11/2002)

(A bath tub filled with piles of paper. Book collections in a coal mine)

Schwieriger Start der Medizinerausbildung in Bochum (12/2002)

(Waiting for class to begin. The troubled start of medical education in Bochum)

Konzepte für ein Audimax in der Entwicklung(13/2003)

(Oyster or turtle. Developing concepts for a main lecture hall)

Standortentscheidung 1961: Wohin kommt die neue Technische Universität? (14/2003)

(Two superfluous events. The decision for a location in 1961 – where will the new technical university be situated?)

Von den Unklarheiten über das Gründungsjahr der RUB (15/2005)

(How to become a millionaire? The uncertainties about the founding year of RUB)

Das Mensa-Provisorium im Osten des Campus (16/2006)

(A quick lunch at “Übergangsforum” (transitory forum). The provisional canteen in the east of the campus.)

Unterrichtsgeld und Studiengebühren in den ersten fünf Jahren der RUB (17/2007)

(74 semesters free of charge. Tuition and study fees in the first five years at RUB)

Kompetenzgerangel bei der Rektorwahl (18/2008)

(State commissioner goes RUB. Turf battles during the rector election)

Vom Traum einer alternativen Verkehrsanbindung an die RUB (19/2009)

(Taking the „H-Bahn“ (suspension railway) to RUB. The dream of an alternative transport connection to the university)

Zu den Planungen eines Klinikums für die Universität Bochum in den 1970er Jahren (20/2010)

(Medicine at Grimberg. Plans for a clinic for Ruhr University Bochum in the 1970s)

Groß, größer, am größten: das Gelände für die Universität Bochum (21/2012)

(American proportions - large, larger, the largest. The planned building plot for Ruhr University Bochum)

Kunst & Campus (Art & Campus)
Detail einer digitalen Version eines "Kunst & Campus"-Artikels aus dem RUBENS-Magazin

Art in architecture is one of those things. Sometimes it causes a public scandal or, as unfortunately in most cases, merely disinterest. The lack of interest is what often makes works of art in public spaces lead a shadowy existence. It may be put a bit harshly, but this also applies to art at Ruhr University. Or did you know that the concrete sculpture on the small hill at Querforum Ost, in front of the "Campus-Center", was the German contribution to the exhibition "Art in the City" at the Venice Biennale in 1972?

This series will try to shed some light on this and point out that the artworks at Ruhr-University convey a fantastic cross-section of different art movements of the 1960s and 1970s.

Von der Biennale ins Schattendasein einer Universität (June 2007)

(From Biennale to shadowy existence at a university)

Tausch und Täuschung (July 2007)

(Exchange and exchangeability)

Wo die Wasser nicht fließen (February 2009)

(Where waters don’t flow)

Der Kern der Kunst (April 2009)

(The gist of art)

Finden durch Farbe (October 2009)

(Find by color)

Rot wie Blut (December 2011)

(Blood red)

Plane statt Plastik (October 2012)

(Tarpaulin instead of plastic)

RUB minus 50
Detail einer digitalen Version eines "RUB minus 50"-Artikels aus dem RUBENS-Magazin

RUB celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2015 and since jubilees cast a long shadow, the University Archive has already been looking back in the past. Every publication of this series references the time exactly 50 years before its release.

Summer 1960:
"Universität neuen Typs" - Der Zwischenbericht des Kultusministers

(“A new type of university” - The Minister of Cultural Affair’s status report)

November 1960:
Wohlklang der Landschaft - Das Universitätsgelände in der Sicht eines Hochschulexperten

(The euphony of landscape - The university campus as seen by an expert of higher education)

July 1961:
Die Entscheidung - Wie die CDU den Standort Bochum durchsetzte

(The decision - How CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany) asserts Bochum as the location for the new university)

Fall 1961:
Platz für die Uni! - 522 Hektar für die neue Hochschule

(Making space for the university! 522 hectare for the new institution)

July 1962:
Festakt an der Baugrube - Grundsteinlegung für ein Wohnheim

(Ceremonial act in a building pit - Laying of the first stone of a dormitory)

December 1962:
Grenzen aufbrechen! - Veröffentlichung der Strukturpläne

(Breaking down boarders - The publication of the structural plans)

February 1963
Zuchtvolle Form - Entscheidung im städtebaulichen Ideenwettbewerb

(Disciplined shape - Deciding on the winner of the idea contest of urban building)

Fall 1963
Die Ersten vor Ort - Verwaltung und Professoren nehmen die Arbeit auf

(The first arrivals on-site - Administration and professors starting their work)

June 1964
Bau im Taktverfahren - In Querenburg wächst die Universität aus dem Boden

(Construction strictly in time - The university is growing in Querenburg)

Other Articles

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Ruhr University Bochum the University Archive published articles in the special supplement of RUBENS Nr. 98 (01 June 2005).

  • Zu viele Daten (Editorial)

(Too much data)

  • „Unklare Zielplanung“. Ein Blick auf die ersten, meist provisorischen Gebäude der Ruhr-Uni

(“Unprecise target planning”. A glance at the first mostly provisional buildings of Ruhr University)

RUBENS Special supplement, p. 1-3

  • Lady in red - Zur 500. Ausgabe der Bochumer StudentInnen-Zeitung (BSZ)

(Lady in red - The 500th volume of Bochumer StudentInnen-Zeitung (BSZ, Student Newspaper Bochum)


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