
The Rectorate, consisting of the Rector, the Chancellor and four Vice-Rectors, governs the university.

Based on a broad consensus within the university, the Rectorate has set itself the task of contributing to the further development of Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) as a modern, high-powered, cosmopolitan university at an internationally competitive level. At the same time, the Rectorate emphasises the special responsibility of Ruhr University Bochum to the region and the people living in it.

Tasks of the Rectorate

The Rectorate manages Ruhr University Bochum (RUB). The key areas of activities of the current Rectorate include:

  • The further development of teaching
  • The profiling of research
  • The strengthening of knowledge transfer
  • The internationalization of RUB
  • The extension of RUB’s social responsibility
  • The extension and strengthening of cooperation with universities and non-university institutions
  • The campus modernization

Office Rectorate

Kerstin Bünder/
Svenja Schützner
UV 3/388

Phone: +49 234 32 22926
Fax: +49 234 32 14131

Assistant to the Chancellor

Inka Fellenz
UV 3/322

Phone: +49 234 32 22922
Fax: +49 234 32 14132

University Management
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