Rectorate elections 2021

Who is eligible for election?

The Rector is a full-time member and chairs the Rectorate. He or she represents RUB within and outside the university and is the supervisor of the academic staff. According to the RUB Constitution, the first term of office of the Rector is six years, the following term is also six years, further terms are four years. The Ministry appoints the full-time members of the Rectorate.

The Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia stipulates as a requirement for the position of Rector that the full-time members of the Rectorate must have a university degree and managerial experience appropriate to the task. In addition, the eligibility criteria are specified in the job advertisement.

Who prepares the elections?

The election is prepared by a search committee consisting of four members each of the Senate and the University Council. Each member has one vote. The search committee elects a chairperson from among its members.

The search committee publicly advertises the position, reviews the applications and conducts the selection interviews with the candidates. On this basis, the search committee proposes up to three candidates to the University Election Assembly in an order determined by the search committee.

Why are the applications treated confidentially?

Personnel matters are always subject to the highest level of confidentiality. This not only serves to protect the applicants, but is also a requirement for the recruitment of outstanding candidates. However, applicants are free to disclose their application.

Who is eligible to vote?

The Rector is elected by the University Election Assembly. The assembly consists of all members of the Senate (25 voting members) and the University Council (seven members). Its sole function is the election and deselection of the members of the Rectorate. The voting members of the Senate and all members of the University Council are entitled to vote. The voting members from the Senate and the members of the University Council each carry the same number of votes, so that regardless of the number of members on each side in the University Election Assembly, there is an equality of votes between members of the Senate and members of the University Council.

How does the election procedure work?

The candidates are presented at the University Election Assembly in public session. They have the opportunity to explain their ideas on how to hold office and can be questioned on them by members of the university. The subsequent debate takes place in closed session.

The election is by secret ballot. The candidate who receives the majority of the votes of the members in the University Election Assembly and, at the same time, the majority of the votes of both the University Council side and the Senate side shall be elected. Accordingly, a majority is required in each of the two groups and thus also in the plenary. It is therefore not possible for one side or the other to be outvoted. The appointment proposals of the search committee are voted on in the order specified by the committee. A second and a third nomination will be put to the vote only if the first nomination fails in the third ballot

If a third ballot is held, the majority of the members of the University Election Assembly present or of the members of the two groups present shall suffice in this ballot.

The result of the election shall be announced by the chairperson of the University Election Assembly at the session.

How are the Vice Rectors elected?

Here, too, the elections are prepared by the search committee, which is made up of equal numbers of members of the Senate and the University Council, cf. the information on question 2. The election is also carried out by the University Election Assembly, cf. the information on question 4.

Candidates for the position of non-full time Vice Rectors are suggested by the (designated) Rector from among the professors who teach at the university. According to the RUB Constitution, one of the Vice Rectors may be elected from among the group of junior professors, from the group of academic staff or from the group of students if the group of university lecturers has the majority of votes in the Rectorate.


The relevant regulations for the election of the members of the Rectorate are § 17 of the Higher Education Act (HG) NRW, Art. 8, 9 and 10 of the RUB Constitution and the regulations of the Rules of Procedure of the University Election Assembly.

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