Welcome to Campus Service

Where can I find what? Who is the right contact person for my queries? - The Campus Service is here to point you in the right direction. It provides orientation aids and practical information for students, employees, prospective students and visitors at Ruhr University Bochum. More services include the allocation of lecture halls, the lost property office and campus tours.

Information & Orientation

Campus Service contact details, directions & maps of Ruhr University Bochum

Foto: Zwei Personen sitzen hinter der Theke, man sieht sie frontal. Eine Person mit einem Rucksack steht hinter der Theke. Eine Person hinter der Theke schaut auf einen Monitor, die andere Person hinter der Theke überreicht der Person vor der Theke eine kleine Karte. Im Hintergrund steht an der Wand der Schriftzug "Reception".

The infopoint in the university administration building and the reception in the Student Service Center provide orientation aids, answer organizational questions about your studies and point you to the right contact person for all queries.

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellunf eines Wegweisers.
How to Get to Ruhr University Bochum
Directions & maps

Services & Offers

Allocation of lecture halls, lost property office & campus tours

Studierende sitzen in einem Hörsaal und schauen den Dozenten an.

Members of Ruhr University Bochum as well as third party organizers can reserve and use the rooms and lecture halls on campus.

Ein Portemonnaie liegt auf dem Boden.

From wallets over jackets to watches, from laptops to smartphones: anyone who loses something on campus has a good chance of getting their belongings back.

Eine Gruppe steht vor einer Informationstafel auf dem Campus der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Ruhr University Bochum is much more than just concrete: our campus tour takes you on a journey through the “harbor in the sea of knowledge”.


Do you have any questions, suggestions or would you like to leave feedback? Feel free to contact us by email or phone. We look forward to your message and/or your visit.



university administration (Universitätsverwaltung, UV)

Level 0, Foyer

Universitätsstraße 150



Phone Number
Photo of the Campus Service team
Group photo with all Campus Service employees
The Campus Service team
Frequently Requested Topics: Information & Further Advice

  • Für pupils and (prospective) students:

    • Study services: Support from the time before studies until the step into professional life
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