Taking a stand against discrimination

Contact and counselling at the Anti-Discrimination Office

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Individual counselling appointments can be made by arrangement.

What is anti-discrimination counselling?

Counselling focuses on the person seeking advice, their experiences and points of view. If required, counselling can also be offered anonymously.

Counselling is based on the following principles

  • Confidentiality
  • Independence
  • Respect
  • Bias in favour of the person seeking counselling
  • Guidance for everyday life
  • Resource guidance
  • Focus on solutions
  • Empowerment
Possible steps in the counselling process

  • Reporting and documentation only of an incident
  • Developing strategies together to cope with the experience and options for action
  • Contacting the person or body causing the incident
  • Accompaniment and support in discussions with the person or body causing the problem
  • Advice on the internal complaints procedure in accordance with the Anti-Discrimination Directive
  • Support during the complaints procedure
  • Supervised referral to other counselling centres



Michalina Trompeta, Antidiskriminierungsbeauftragte der RUB
RUB Officer for Diversity and Anti Discrimination
Phone Number
RUB Anti-Discrimination Office
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