Das Logo der RUB mit Bemessungen als Sinnbild für das Corporate Design

RUB design elements and templates for presentations, letters, notices, documents, flyers and brochures as well as information on websites in corporate design.

Student mit Unishop-Merchandise

Whether it's a T-shirt, a coffee mug or the perfume "Knowledge by RUB": You can buy the products of the Unishop of Ruhr University Bochum on campus and selected products worldwide online.

Welcome to the Department of University Communication

We show the Ruhr University Bochum from its best side - diverse, distinctive and authentic. Our editorial team keeps the campus, local, regional and national public up to date with the latest news. We also provide support with numerous services.

University communication services for

Departments and special service areas of University Communication

Contact us

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All university communication staff
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